Stage Combat • Theater • History
Education • Charity Work

Join Our Order Of Virtue!

Swords and Stories is an organization built on the belief that chivalry and the Virtues of Knighthood Still Exist.

Through our various projects and teams, we strive to present to the world the idea that Knighthood is alive and well inside each and every one of us. Faith, Justice, Truth, Courage, and all of the Virtues of Man should be encouraged in every day modern life. Each of our members aim to represent these virtues in their every day lives, and hopefully inspire others to do the same.

Swords & Stories at the NJ Renaissance Faire

The Teams of Swords and Stories

It takes a Village to raise a Child, and a Team to raise a Knight. Each of our Knights bring their own unique skills, talents, and insights to our group.

As a result, we have been able to expand our offerings and build new, dedicated teams to our projects.

Quest Knights of Virtue

Based on Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene

The Order of Benevolence

Quarterly Charity Projects To Help Those In Need

Education and Outreach

Educational Demos, Corporate Events, Birthday Parties, Etc.

Knighthood Exists Not In Fame, But In Deeds Of Service

We have been honored to be able to help provide aid to the following organizations:

Join our Mailing list!

Stay up to date with our upcoming Renaissance Faires, Knightly Boot Camps, performances, and event announcements! We promise we will only reach out to you for important matters – even in the medieval world, no one likes spam!